Thursday, 13 November 2008

Bowie or Bowie... at the ICA

If seeing this on a screen just isn't enough for you, and you think you'd like to see it on a wall, then pop down to the ICA where it is part of PoCom 2.
(To the ICA!)
It will be up there until November 26th, along with lots of other stories. It's on the long wall that leads to the bar.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008



Urgh, I hate my scanner. All of this stuff looks so much better before Hewlett Packard gets involved. Wait til I buy a new one. Quality will skyrocket.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Face off

This was used as the cover for Le Cool magazine (a colourful, pictureful email that tells you how and where to be cool every week). Except that it's the wrong colour here. I have no idea why. The original was a kind of salmon colour. Anyway, it ran last week while I was being cool in New York. But I still saw it because it came to my inbox. So I was doubly cool. I recommend signing up to Le Cool, although I fear I will become less cool the more people read this because everyone will know where I get the only cool suggestions I ever have from. You can become cooler and make me less cool here:

Friday, 25 April 2008

The further adventures of Adolf Hitler

Once again script credits to Jay Barnett...

There's no one

This is the picture I did for the Ladyfest '08 comedy extravaganza poster for Ladyfest extraordinaire Claire Pollard. The big events happen May 8th-11th, and you can get still tickets to all sorts of cool things. Here's their website: (I can't remember how to make that live, so you will just have to cut and paste).

Friday, 28 March 2008

Dream holiday

Both this and the below drawing of the sheepish bridesmaids are appearing in the next issue of Notes From The Underground. It's like a free newspaper but with less Amy Winehouse and more graphically-painted speedos. You'll have to read the paper to understand these drawings really.

Friday, 29 February 2008

"Look Mam"

It seemed obvious that a woman in this outfit, with a facial expression this vacant, would have a big lizard for a child.

Robin and Robin

With thanks to Jay Barnett for the script, title and entire concept. Expect more from the ever-abstruse Robin and Robin soon.

Monday, 25 February 2008


This ridiculous bean drawing appears in the March issue of London Lite's greatest rival, Notes From The Underground. You can see more stuff here:
