Wednesday, 8 September 2010


From: Kyle Stetz
Date: Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 3:09 AM
Subject: i made a necklace from your art

hi there!

i came across your blog recently while surfing the interweb. your art is wonderful, but i was especially captivated by a certain rainbow-vomiting captivated, in fact, that i laser-etched it into a veneer pendant which i gave to my girlfriend. here is a picture:

she loved it! i thought i must share this with you & i hope you aren't deeply offended, promise i won't sell it.

yours truly,


Nice! Here's the drawing that inspired Mr Stetz:

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


I've finally finished my comic for solipsistic pop 3, so expect some more regular posting on here from now on. Here's a little sneak preview of the new story. It's called Sardines...

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

So, so sorry...

My posting has been terrible on here lately. It's because I've been working on a new comic for Solipsistic Pop 3 and also learning to drive. The regular posting will recommence soon. Here's a little something to keep you going in the meantime.